Tuesday 16 May 2017


Read pages 86 - 108
1) Discuss the cultural myth that all religions are really climbing up the same mountain,
just from opposite sides.
Increasingly more and more people inside the church are buying into this myth as well.
Why is that shift happening?
2) The strategy:  First of all develop the similarities, build bridges,  between Christianity
and other religions, then move towards the differences.
How do you feel about such a strategy?  
How do we as a church typically engage other denominations, other religions?
    focus on what divides us rather than on that which we have on common?
Do we have the tendency to think that the Evil One totally inspires all non-Christian
religious searching?  (The Evil One can use this aspect of our humanity, just
as he uses scripture to mislead.)  May it be helpful to view this universal
religious searching as simply humans struggling to find truth?  What difference
would such a more neutral stance take in our approaches to non – Christians?
3) Discuss the seven characteristics of eastern religions (Page 91 -96).
                Is there any wisdom here to help us understand spirituality from a Christian

4) What Biblical truths has the East discovered?  
                Review the various views for God on page 78.  Can you agree with this obser-
                vation that the trinitarian understanding of God is present in this collective

5)  Review the key differences on page 95 - 96.   
How should we as Christians respond when these differences create tension
within relationships?

The idea of Karma is built on the assumption of a just world. Every evil deed will be
punished / suffered for. Justice must be done. Does this agree with Christianity? How does
Christianity solve the problem of "karma" for sinners?
6)  Read the observation on page 101. Hinduism and and the Western Church
List some of the idols in our churches, in our culture, in our own lives.
7)  Read the observations on page 108.  Can we learn something from the eastern
emphasis on silence, meditation as a quieting of the mind?
Should Christians do Yoga? Yoga in Eastern Religions is the pathway to releasing
inner spiritual energy.
How do we in the West strive for deeper spirituality, more spiritual energy?    
Is suffering necessary to help us discover the deeper truths of life?
Wrapping up
Read Acts 17:22-31  How did Paul try to build bridges to these idolatrous cultures?

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